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1 Thessalonians 5 | Week 4

Chase finishes our series in 1 Thessalonians 5, looking at the final verses in chapter 5, verses 23-28.



Jeff Turner speaks about the Acts 2 and the essential need for authentic relationships in the community of the church (this is a standalone message).

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Proverbs Part 4

Jeff Turner gives a quick update about Stonegate Fellowship Odessa, and continues the series on the Old Testament book of Proverbs. This week, Jeff walks through Proverbs 24 to show the value of our God speaking wisdom into our lives through the scriptures of the Bible.

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Knowing And Living Your Identity

Jeff Turner speaks about the beauty and the challenge of camp, and how essential it is to grow in our assurance of our identity in Christ by abiding in him according to 1st John 2 (this is a standalone message).

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