
At Stonegate, our leadership structure is built around five distinct characteristics. We believe the first three of these characteristics are non-negotiable and essential characteristics that describe church leadership in the New Testament. The final two are characteristics specific to Stonegate Fellowship but that our elders have put in place to align with our distinct ministry vision, values, and mission.


At Stonegate Fellowship we believe Jesus is our Senior Pastor, because He is the head of the church. We want everything we do to be in humble submission to His leadership, for the purpose of magnifying His Gospel, and with the vision to advance His Kingdom.

Scripture References: John 10:14–21; Ephesians 1:22–23; 4:15; 5:23Colossians 1:181 Peter 5:4 

We believe the Spirit of Jesus is the empowering presence of God among His people. Humble dependence upon the Spirit’s guidance and gifting is, therefore, essential to how we seek to shepherd the people of Stonegate Fellowship.

Scripture References: John 14:15–26Romans 12:3–81 Corinthians 12Galatians 5:16–26Ephesians 5:18–21

Throughout the New Testament, God has revealed a model of church leadership that consists of a plurality of qualified men known as elders. These men are under-shephards of Jesus who provide the spiritual oversight, protection, and direction for the church.

In practice, our elder body currently consists of twelve men who serve a three year term with a minimum of one-year off before being  considered for another term. In everything, our elders seek to shepherd the people of Stonegate Fellowship in a manner consistent with the character, message, and mission of Jesus.

Executive Pastor Directed 

Our elder body appoints a specific elder to serve as the Executive Pastor of the church. This person is responsible for leading the staff, coordinating ministry operations, and providing organizational direction. At present, our appointed Executive Pastor is Larry Gilbert.


At Stonegate, we utilize a team of teaching ministers to communicate God’s Word during our Sunday gathering throughout the year. Some of these teaching ministers are elders, while others are staff ministers with a gift for teaching. We believe this model allows the people of Stonegate Fellowship to learn from a diversity of personalities and experiences who collectively seek to point the church to Jesus.