Over the weekend you likely encountered a dozen different questions and arguments following Friday’s Supreme Court ruling whether they were between family and friends, on social media or in the news, or as you processed everything in your personal time with the Lord.
Our mission here at Stonegate is to be everyday people, transformed by Jesus to love and influence others every day; our hope is we would equip our people to do the same. In light of this and the events of the weekend, we’ve compiled several resources to help you navigate this area over the coming months.
Pray and be equipped before you engage in conversations.
It’s easy to throw out our own thoughts and opinions, but what does the Bible actually say about the issue of abortion? How should we as Christians respond in a way that is both full of truth AND full of love? A few supplemental resources we’d recommend as you dig into Scripture are:
→ After Roe: What Now? from Watermark Community Church
→ After Roe, How Do We Stand for Life? An article from The Gospel Coalition
→ 3 Ways to Sympathize with Women Considering an Abortion: An Article from The Gospel Coalition
→ In His Image: The Sanctity of Life| Eric Clark
Get involved.
Practically, what would it look like for you to love and serve someone in this area? How can you give your time, your finances, or your other gifts? Take some time in the coming weeks to process this with your family and community. Two great local resources are The Life Center and Hope Chest.
With locations in Midland, Odessa, Andrews, and Big Spring, the Life Center provides pregnancy tests, limited obstetrical ultrasounds, prenatal and parenting education classes, and postpartum material assistance such as diapers, wipes, and clothing up to 36 months – all free of charge. To connect with the Life Center on donations or volunteering, → check out their website here.
Located at the Midland Memorial West Campus, Hope Chest is an incentives program for pregnant and parenting women of all ages, income, races, religious affiliations and needs, focusing on the health of babies across the Permian Basin. To learn more about this program, → click here.
If Abortion is a part of your story, we want to help.
We currently offer a retreat called Forgiven & Set Free, where we walk alongside suffering and hurting women to bring their emotional scars from abortion into the light where true and lasting healing can take place. Our next retreat is October 6-9 and due to the generosity of one of our member’s, all 6 spots have already been paid for! → Learn more or register here.