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Philippians | Week 6

Joe continues our series by examining Philippians 3:15-4:1.


Stand Alone | Joe Russo Pt. 2

Joe Russo steps up again this week to give us a message from John 5. He challenges us to consider what we are clinging to that is keeping us from experiencing the life Jesus offers. He shows us how we can walk in step with God’s Spirit, resist the enemy of our souls, and truly walk in freedom.”

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Standalone | June 2

Joe Russo teaches four important parenting principles. These four principles can help with raising children as smoothly as possible when paralleled with a biblical foundation. 

Perspective – Seeing things correctly

Respect – They are people too

Modeling – More is caught than taught

Change – New roles

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Flourishing | Part 7 : Marriage and Divorce Pt. 2

Joe Russo is back this week to discuss the realities of brokenness and divorce in marriage. He talks about why divorce happens and explains that while God hates divorce, He doesn’t hate divorced people. To the contrary, God is ready and willing to heal, restore, and transform any couple that will surrender their marriage to Him.

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Flourishing | Part 6 : Marriage and Divorce Pt. 1

Joe Russo steps up this week to tackle the complex subject of Marriage and Divorce. He shows us God’s heart for marriage, how we should think about marriage in a broken world, and concluded with some practical instruction for how we can cultivate and protect our marriages.

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Stop and Remember

Joe Russo Steps up this week to give us a hard challenge: slow down and remember. In the crazy-busy pace of life, this is a great message to meditate on going into the new year.

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Through the Eyes | Week 3: Joy

Joe Russo steps up this week to deliver a Christmas message through the eyes of Joy. He highlights some unexpected people who experienced joy through the arrival of Jesus. He concludes by showing us where Jesus found His joy—even when it cost Him His life.

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Joe Russo steps up this week to show us how throughout the whole Bible, God reveals Himself as our comforter. He challenges us to embrace God as our comforter in 4 distinct ways.

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15 Rounds

In this Father’s day message, Joe Russo calls us to trust God as our Father. He shows us the life of Joseph in the Bible, shares some of his own personal story, and encourages us to go all 15 rounds with God.

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The Six Relationship Stages

This weekend, Joe walked us through six relationship stages we have with our creator as believers.

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Father’s Day – 2013

Joe Russo speaks about his time as a dad and what the Bible teaches about being a father.

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