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Becoming Everyday Disciples | Week 7

Luke continues our series on what it means to be a guide by examining Acts 18.


Incarnation | Week 3 (Midland)

Eric Clark wraps up our Incarnation series by taking us through John 1 and helping us navigate how we can respond to Jesus coming after us.

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Empowered | Week 3 (Midland)

This week Eric Clark takes us into the book of Ephesians as we look at what it means to intentionally follow Jesus while being empowered by the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives.

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Commissioned | Week 4 (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our series by taking us to the story of Mary and Martha in Luke 10. Eric shows us how we must prioritize our relationship with Jesus if we are going to pursue a life of discipleship in a healthy and sustainable way. Eric highlights how we can be just like Martha—distracted, hyper busy, worried, and upset. Eric shows use how Jesus invites each of us to be like Mary—sitting at His feet, learning from Him, and embracing His way of life as our own.

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Faithful | Week 3 (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our Summer series by taking us to the story of Elijah. Eric shows us how Elijah reached a high-point in his walk with God, but was quickly overcome with fear and discouragement. Eric identifies some of the ways in which God responds to Elijah and then explains how God can meet us in the same way. He concludes with some practical exhortation to help us walk with God out of fear and discouragement.

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Renewal | Week 4 (Midland)

Eric Clark concludes our series by looking at how King Josiah lead the nation of Judah to remember the Passover. He leads us in a time of communion and prayer as we reflect on what Jesus has done for us in the new and greater passover through his death and resurrection. He concludes by leading us in a time of prayer for our students and leaders as they go off to Camp.

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Follow Me | Part 1 (Midland)

Eric Clark kicks off our new series on discipleship by taking us to Matthew 28:16–20. Eric explains how discipleship is a not a Christian thing, but a human thing. The question is whether our discipleship is intentional or un-intentional. Using the R.I.S.E. acronym, Eric challenges us to embrace a life of intentional discipleship to Jesus and lays the foundation for the coming weeks.

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