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Lessons From David | Week 2

Jay continues our sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 1 Samuel 17.


The Enemy of Marriage | Week 3 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood continues our series in marriages by showing us how Satan works to works to disrupt Gods plan for unity and blessing within marriage. Josh identifies some common ways Satan comes after our marriages and then challenges us to give him no space in our lives.

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The Problem of Marriage | Week 2 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our series by taking us back to Jesus’ words about Marriage and Divorce in Matthew 19. Jay explains how even though our hard hearts lead to so much brokenness with respect to marriage, there is always hope for redemption through Jesus.

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The Intention of Marriage | Week 1 (Midland)

Jay Mayo opens our new series by taking us to Jesus’ words about God’s original design for marriage, showing us how much God values marriage and challenging us to make our marriages a high priority in our lives.

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Commissioned | Week 3 (Midland)

Larry Gilbert concludes our series by exhorting us to be a people who are committed to making disciples. He gives some updates on our 7 year vision and challenges us to keep being a people who are committed to advancing the kingdom of Jesus in our region.

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Commissioned | Week 2 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood continues our Commissioned series by taking a look at the story of Zaccheus in Luke 19.

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Commissioned | Week 1 (Midland)

Jay Mayo kicks off our new series reminding us of our mission as the people of Jesus by taking us to a story in Scripture that highlights how God uses everyday people for His purposes.

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Proverbs | Week 8 (Midland)

Joe Russo wraps up our Summer series on wisdom by taking a look at Proverbs 9.

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Proverbs | Week 7 (Midland)

Chase Gilbert continues our series in Proverbs by showing us how much better it is to walk in the way of God’s wisdom. He invites us to listen to wisdom, look to Jesus, and actively chose the way of life over the way of death.

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Proverbs | Week 6 (Midland)

Eric Clark takes us through Proverbs 6 where we unpack God’s correction, His hatred for things that take life from us, and the practice of Biblical Repentance.

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Proverbs | Week 5 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our series in Proverbs by showing us the sober truths about sexual intimacy and infidelity found in Proverbs 5 & 7. He explains how relational faithfulness and flourishing are found when we position ourselves to receive God’s wisdom and respond accordingly.

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