At Stonegate, we want to be a place in the Permian Basin where Young Adults come to find community, grow in their relationship with Jesus, and are equipped to influence the world around them in their everyday lives.
Whether you just finished high school or are figuring out your early 30’s, we have a place for you every Tuesday night!
18 – Mid 20’s | College-Aged Young Adults Group
Every Tuesday, we have an incredible gathering of young adults who join together to build relationships and dig into God’s Word. Our College-Aged Young Adults Group is an excellent entry point to find meaningful friendships that will inspire you to grow in your faith.
Tuesdays • 7:00 PM
Mid 20’s – Mid 30’s | The Porch Live, Midland
Every Tuesday thousands gather at The Porch, Dallas and even more at our livestream locations around the country. Lives are changing, friendships are forming, and many are finding hope they never had before. Through messages, music, and relationships with other young adults, our goal is to walk alongside you through the highs and lows of adulting. From talks about dating, relationships, anxiety and more, we are learning what it looks like to live a life full of purpose.
The Porch is a place for 20’s and 30’s who want to connect with God and be a part of what He is doing in our city and around the world. We believe that knowing God and being known by others is the most important thing we could do in our lifetime. We believe that we, as the Church, are the hope of the world. We have tasted and seen that the Lord is good, better than anything else we’ve known. We aim to see twenty and thirty-somethings come to know God’s love, be transformed by His Spirit, and impact this generation eternally through the church.
Porch Live locations are taking root in cities all across the country, and we love getting to have one right here in Midland!
Tuesdays • 7:30PM • Stonegate Fellowship / Building E • 6000 West Wadley Ave, Midland 79707