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Lessons From David | Week 1

Neil starts our new sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 1 Samuel 16.


Follow Me | Gospel of Mark | Part 3 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our series in the Gospel of Mark by identifying two essential spiritual practices that Jesus invites His disciples into: Solitude and Stillness. Jay helps us see what is most essential for our soul when the needs and expectations are piling on. He challenges us to honestly consider why we don’t take better care of our souls and concludes by giving us some practical things we can do to reorient our hearts toward God throughout our week.

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Follow Me | Gospel of Mark | Part 2 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood continues our series in the Gospel of Mark this week by taking us to Jesus’ Parable of the Sower in Mark 4. In this passage, Jesus shows us why some people change and why some people don’t. Throughout the message, Josh highlights some of the specific reasons Jesus’ gives for this and then challenges us to be a people who don’t just want the results of change, but who embrace God’s process as well.

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Follow Me | Gospel of Mark | Part 1 (Midland)

Joe Russo steps up this week to begin our new series in the Gospel of Mark. This series will continue to focus on the essence of discipleship described by the R.I.S.E. acronym we used in the previous weeks. This week, Joe shows us how Jesus prioritized intentional Relationships as He went along His everyday life. In the process, Joe shows us how Jesus models the very life He invites us into—a life characterized by deliberate connections with other people.

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Follow Me | Part 4 (Midland)

This week we had the opportunity to experience Expectant Sunday together as a church body. Similar to the Expectant evenings we do during the year, we spent time together as a body in prayer, personal reflection, and worship while also hearing an update from Dustin Pearce.

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Follow Me | Part 3 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our series on Discipleship by taking us to Paul’s instruction in 1 Corinthians 9:24–27. He shows us how intentional spiritual practices position our hearts to connect with God personally. He also invites us to lean into the pain and discomfort of life’s experiences, knowing that God uses these seasons for incredibly growth and transformation.

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Follow Me | Part 2 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood continues our new series on discipleship by taking us to John 13:34–35. He shows us what Jesus meant when He called His disciples to “love one another as I have loved you.” Josh identifies a couple of myths we tend to believe that hinder our experience of true, Christian community and concludes by calling us to embrace Jesus’ vision for loving one another in sacrificial, committed relationships.

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Follow Me | Part 1 (Midland)

Eric Clark kicks off our new series on discipleship by taking us to Matthew 28:16–20. Eric explains how discipleship is a not a Christian thing, but a human thing. The question is whether our discipleship is intentional or un-intentional. Using the R.I.S.E. acronym, Eric challenges us to embrace a life of intentional discipleship to Jesus and lays the foundation for the coming weeks.

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Christian Resilience (Midland)

Josh Gatewood kicks off 2021 with a message on how to cultivate Christian Resilience in our world full of adversity. He shows us how our understanding and love for the gospel have a direct bearing on our ability to endure, and even rejoice in our afflictions. He concludes by sharing a powerful testimony of God’s grace in the lives of a young couple in our church.

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With Us | Week 3 (Midland)

Joe Russo takes us to Isaiah 61 to show us how Jesus is our Empowering Presence. He shows us how Jesus has a heart to reach the broken-hearted and helps us see how He is still working in our lives today. Specifically, we now have the Holy Spirit of Jesus living in us to lead us in a life of freedom and empowerment—no matter what we’re going through.

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With Us | Week 2 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our Christmas series by taking us to Isaiah 53. He shows us how Jesus is our Suffering Servant.Jay shows us how Jesus did not come as a conquering King—even though that’s exactly what the people of his day wanted. No, Jesus came not to conquer with force, but to suffer and die in our place and restore us to a right relationship with God.

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