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Philippians | Week 6

Joe continues our series by examining Philippians 3:15-4:1.


Obedience | Week 3 (Midland)

Joe Russo continues our series in Daniel by taking us to the familiar story of Daniel in the lions den. Joe shows us how the lions den was really just another obstacle in Daniel’s life that God used to glorify Himself in a pagan nation. For Daniel, his character and obedience was already shaped by a commitment to God—no matter the cost. Joe challenges us to consider what Daniels example means for us today and gives us some tangible action steps we can apply to our own life and circumstances.

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Faithful | Week 1 (Midland)

Joe Russo kicks off our Summer series entitled Faithful by looking at the life of Joseph in the Old Testament. Joe shows us how Joseph encountered many trials throughout his life—including the painful trial of personal betrayal. Joe shows us how in the midst of painful circumstances, God is faithful and is working in ways we often cannot see. Our responsibility is not to figure out all the details, but to be faithful and trust God in the midst of the trial.

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Mothers Day | 2021 (Midland)

Joe Russo delivers a special Mother’s Day message to encourage all the moms in this season. He teaches from Proverbs 31 and sheds some fresh light on a familiar passage that is often used to discourage women. Joe flips this emotional reality on its head to show God’s heart for women to be encouraged by what He is doing over the course of their life as they seek to walk in the fear of the Lord. In this message, Joe provides some needed encouragement to mothers on this special occasion.

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Follow Me | Gospel of Mark | Part 1 (Midland)

Joe Russo steps up this week to begin our new series in the Gospel of Mark. This series will continue to focus on the essence of discipleship described by the R.I.S.E. acronym we used in the previous weeks. This week, Joe shows us how Jesus prioritized intentional Relationships as He went along His everyday life. In the process, Joe shows us how Jesus models the very life He invites us into—a life characterized by deliberate connections with other people.

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With Us | Week 3 (Midland)

Joe Russo takes us to Isaiah 61 to show us how Jesus is our Empowering Presence. He shows us how Jesus has a heart to reach the broken-hearted and helps us see how He is still working in our lives today. Specifically, we now have the Holy Spirit of Jesus living in us to lead us in a life of freedom and empowerment—no matter what we’re going through.

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There’s a Way Life Works

Joe Russo shares a special message this Sunday about the way life works. He explains how God set the universe up to work a certain way—not just in terms of physical laws, but spiritual laws as well. When we disregard these truths, life gets out of balance and our hearts grow out of alignment. However, when we align our lives with these truths, life really begins to make sense and we flourish as a result. When this happens, suddenly we can look up and realize that even in a year like 2020, there is still a lot to be thankful for.

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Ambassadors | Week 4

Joe Russo continues our series this week by looking at the important role of our speech. He explains how God designed our words to bring life, but we so often use them to do the opposite. He challenges us to consider how we can use our words according to God’s design and be a distinct people who bring life with our words

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Great Expectations | Week 3

Joe Russo finishes our series by providing some incredibly helpful and practical advice for cultivating a healthy marriage. He shows us how our individual relationships with God must take priority and then explains how our marriages must come before our kids and our jobs. Joe provides a list of specific things we can do to invest into our marriages and experience the joy of sharing life together.

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Great Expectations | Week 2

Joe Russo steps us this week to continue our series about how to cultivate a healthy marriage. Joe uses the analogy of an athlete to show us how critical it is invest into our marriage. He explains how God’s design for marriage really is best for us, but we most commit to showing up and doing the work.

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The Psalms | Psalm 37

In a special Father’s Day message, Joe Russo teaches from Psalm 37 about the wisdom of God’s Word. Through this Psalm, Joe shows Fathers how to think about their struggles, their relationships, and the blessings God has for those who will walk His ways throughout their lifetime.

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