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Becoming Everyday Disciples | Week 6

Neil continues our series by looking at John 5 and what it means to be an apprentice of Jesus.


Steadfast Part 16

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick explains that we often settle for less than what God has to offer, which causes us to have a broken relationship with God according to James 4.

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Steadfast Part 14

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick speaks from the heart about how words can be life giving or life destroying.

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Joe Rigney

Patrick Payton introduces Joe Rigney, an author who shares his wisdom that has gleaned about fully depending on God (this is a standalone message).

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Steadfast Part 13

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick reminds us that real faith is worked out by actions, which produces a steadfast life.

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Steadfast Part 11

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick proceeds through James 1 in order to show the power of contentment and how that strengthens steadfastness.

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Steadfast Part 9

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick talks about the hard truth of God’s grace and faithfulness during trials and loss.

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Steadfast Part 7

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick reviews the previous weeks of the series and explains how lust destroys steadfastness.

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Steadfast Part 6

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick walks through 2nd Corinthians 4 to show how to make it through trials in a healthy way.

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Steadfast Part 5

Patrick Payton continues a series on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick digs into wisdom from Genesis 3 in order to understand that in ever circumstance – the greatest need is always a need of the soul.

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Steadfast Part 4

Patrick Payton continues a series in James on the Christian life being steadfast in the midst of any circumstance. This week, Patrick shows how a “win” mentality can destroy our meekness and steadfast life.

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