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1 Thessalonians 5 | Week 4

Chase finishes our series in 1 Thessalonians 5, looking at the final verses in chapter 5, verses 23-28.


Philippians 2 Part 2

Jay Mayo finishes a short series on humble servanthood by continuing to go through Philippians 2 to see how Jesus’ life was full of humility and how we can reflect that same humility that he had.

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Philippians 2 Part 1

Jay Mayo begins a short series on selfless servanthood out of Philippians 2.

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Proverbs Part 5

Jay Mayo finishes out the series on the wisdom we can gain from the Old Testament book Proverbs. This week, Jay shows the major theme of relationship wisdom throughout Proverbs and what that has to do with us today.

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Father’s Day – 2014

Jay Mayo challenges men with the biblical mandate to fight against evil for their family according to Romans 13 (this is a standalone message).

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Scars Part 4

Patrick Payton and Jay Mayo continues the series on God using our scars to better and redeem us according to 2nd Corinthians 4. This week, Patrick and Jay talk through the process of working through loss and pain and how our beliefs about God influence this process.

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Scars Part 2

Jay Mayo continues a series on how God uses our scars to redeem and better us according to 2nd Corinthians 4. This week, Jay talks through remembering loss.

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Scars Part 1

Jay Mayo begins a series on how God can use the scars in our life to redeem and better us according to 2nd Corinthians 4.

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Sent Part 5

Jay Mayo continues the series on Christians being sent on God’s mission for the Gospel to go to all of the world. This week, Jay brings to light scripture that shows God truly desires for every group of people to believe in the Gospel, but there are two major issues in Acts 10 that prevent […]

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