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1 John | Week 8

Joe continues our “1 John” series, exploring the profound and transformative nature of God’s love, contrasting it with human perceptions, and emphasizes that true love, as defined by Scripture, is selfless, sacrificial, and only possible through divine intervention.


Happily Ever After Part 8

Patrick continues the Happily Ever After series by getting practical with the subject of communication. He ends with some easy-to-understand topics that will help you walk through marriage and experience the life transformation of Jesus.

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Happily Ever After Part 6

Patrick continues this sermon with the idea that very little harms our marriages and relationships like unhealthy and unmet expectations. But what if we changed the whole paradigm of those expectations? This weekend we’ll look at a counter-culture way of dealing with expectations in all of our relationships.

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Happily Ever After Part 5

Very little harms our marriages and relationships like unhealthy and unmet expectations. But what if we changed the whole paradigm of those expectations? This weekend we’ll look at a counter-culture way of dealing with expectations in all of our relationships.

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Happily Ever After Part 2

Patrick continues our Happily Ever After series breaking down the covenant of marriage; leaving, cleaving and one flesh.

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Happily Ever After Part 1

Patrick opens our new marriage series “Happily Ever After” looking at Ephesians 5:21-33 and begins to breaks down how marriage is a God-designed, transformational union between a man and a women sustained by a covenant for the sake of God’s ultimate purpose and joy.

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