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Lessons From David | Week 7

Chase Lynch continues our sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 2 Samuel 9.


1 Thessalonians 5 | Week 4

Chase finishes our series in 1 Thessalonians 5, looking at the final verses in chapter 5, verses 23-28.

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Peter | Week 14

Chase Gilbert continues our series on the books of Peter with 2 Peter 1:12-21.

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Peter | Week 13

Chase Gilbert continues our series on the books of Peter with 2 Peter 1:12-21.

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Peter | Week 6

Chase Gilbert continues our series on the books of Peter with 1 Pet 2:1-10.

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Opposed | Week 4

Chase Gilbert continues the opposed series.

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The Movement | Week 3 (Midland)

Chase Gilbert will continue our series “The Movement” through Acts 16.

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Building Bridges | Week 5 (Midland)

Chase Gilbert continues our Building Bridges series by taking a look at the Holy Spirit in the Old and New Testaments.

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Camp ’23 Recap (Midland)

Chase Gilbert gives us a post camp update.

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Galatians | Week 10 (Midland)

Chase Gilbert continues our Galatians series with the beginning of Chapter 5, where Paul dives deeper into freedom in Christ.

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Galatians | Week 3 (Midland)

Chase Gilbert takes us through the first section of Galatians 2 where Paul warns of the threat to Gospel freedom.

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