Lessons From David | Week 9
Larry finishes our sermon series, Lessons from David, by looking at 1 Chronicles 22.
View SermonLarry finishes our sermon series, Lessons from David, by looking at 1 Chronicles 22.
View SermonLarry Gilbert concludes our series by exhorting us to be a people who are committed to making disciples. He gives some updates on our 7 year vision and challenges us to keep being a people who are committed to advancing the kingdom of Jesus in our region.
View SermonLarry Gilbert wraps up our Vision series by highlighting a few exciting things coming up, and reminding us that giving is actually a part of our worship.
View SermonLarry Gilbert continues our series by taking us to 1 Peter 2 and explaining what it means for us to live as followers of Jesus in a culture that is hostile to the gospel. Larry explains how we are called to live honorably, honestly, and humbly as we pursue our commission to make disciples and bear witness to the power of Jesus.
View SermonLarry Gilbert sits down with Bob Fu of the China Aid organization to talk about what God is doing among the persecuted church in China. They discuss how Bob came to know Christ and how China Aid was formed. Their conversation reminds us what God is doing globally to rescue people for His name. They also remind us to intercede in prayer for our persecuted brothers and sisters overseas.
View SermonLarry Gilbert steps up this Sunday to continue our series in the Gospel of Mark. He shows us what Jesus taught about financial stewardship and debunks some of the common myths associated with the the church and money. He concludes by challenging us to consider what it means for us to love God with everything we have—including our money.
View SermonLarry Gilbert reads from Acts 19 as we continue the As One series and uncover how the church was designed to be.
View SermonLarry Gilbert continues our series in the book of Ecclesiastes by looking at the subject of wealth. He shows us how Solomon’s problem was not wealth, but disobedience. He then highlights some of the key opportunities Stonegate has in the near future to be a blessing to our community.
View SermonLarry Gilbert steps up this week to introduce our 42 day prayer initiative called More to Come. He gives us a brief look at Stonegate’s history and DNA of prayer and then shows us some staggering numbers about the Permian Basin today. He concludes by showing us how Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:5-13 and challenges us to personally engage in the next 42 days of prayer.
View SermonLarry Gilbert steps up this week to deliver a message about Love through the eyes of Joseph—Jesus’ stepdad. He shows us how Joseph loved Jesus and calls on men to imitate his example in how we protect, train, and teach our kids.
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