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Lessons From David | Week 7

Chase Lynch continues our sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 2 Samuel 9.


Corinthians – P4

Jeff leads us into 1 Corinthians 4 this Sunday and shows us the stark contrasts between the kingdom of self and the Kingdom of God. He highlights the specific sin of spiritual arrogance and calls us to be people who live for God’s glory by being humble servants who love and accept those who are different than us.

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Psalm 37 – Fret and Envy

Jeff Turner (Odessa Campus Minister) reads Psalm 37 and speaks about what the Bible says about fret and envy.

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Psalm 1 – Blessed is the Man

Jeff Turner (Odessa Campus Minister) speaks out of Psalm 1 about the blessed person and how it affects their lives.

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Letter from an Elder – Part 3

Jeff turner continues the series, Letter from an Elder by talking about abiding in God.

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Letter from an Elder – Part 2

Jeff Turner continues our series called Letter from an Elder by speaking about unconditional love and how this affects everything in our life.

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The Blind Man – Mark 10

Our Odessa campus minister Jeff Turner unpacks Mark chapter 10 and how it affects how we respond to others in our life. He also explains how we view and respond to God in light of Mark’s account of scripture.

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Psalm 51 – Joy of Salvation

Our Odessa Campus Minister, Jeff Turner gives us a reflective sermon on 2016 and offers us a perspective from Psalm 51 to renew the joy of our salvation.

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Happily Ever After Part 9

Our Odessa-Campus Minister, Jeff Turner updates us on the new building. He teaches on the topic of conflict as we continue the Happily Ever After series.

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What We Believe – Part 14

Jeff Turner continues the teaching on the Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts and the life-applications of them. He debunks the theory that spiritual gifts are things that we are “good at” and rather gifts that God disperses for the need of the moment.

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Spiritual Gifts – Part 13

Jeff turner continues the What we Believe series by speaking about the Holy Spirit. Beginning in 1 Corinthians 15, he teaches about Spiritual gifts.

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