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Philippians | Week 6

Joe continues our series by examining Philippians 3:15-4:1.


Corinthians – P11

This week, Patrick digs into the familiar passage of 1 Corinthians 13. He helps us see what love really means by reminding us of the love God in Christ and then challenges us to share that same love with others.

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Corinthians – P10

This week, Josh Gatewood preaches on spiritual gifts out of 1 Corinthians 12. He emphasizes God’s intention to use spiritual gifts as a primary means of giving grace to His church and glory to Jesus.

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Corinthians – P9

In this week’s message, Patrick leads us through 1 Corinthians 11. He shares some key principles and practices for how every follower of Jesus can deal with tough texts in Scripture.

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Corinthians – P8

Patrick begins the message this week with some important announcements and then transitions into an important interview with Ed Weaver about what God is doing to reach oral-preference learners with the gospel. He then continues our series in 1 Corinthians by looking at the imperative placed on every believer to live a life focused on giving up our freedoms in order to serve others.

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ELAM Ministries

This week, David Yeghnazar of Elam Ministries shares with us the powerful testimony of what God is doing overseas to reach Muslim people. He reminds of the simple, yet life-changing power of the gospel and encourages us to share it with others.

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Corinthians – P7

This week in 1 Corinthians, Patrick digs into ch. 7–8 to show us what it means to live out the life God has called us to as servants of others who have surrendered our rights to Jesus.

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Corinthians – P6

Dustin Pearce shows us how Paul shepherded the Corinthian church in some tough situations. Ultimately, he taught them how the Gospel rearranges sexuality, dismantles offenses, and elevates Jesus.

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Corinthians – P5

Patrick expounds on 1 Corinthians 9 and gives us details about what God has done at Stonegate Fellowship in the last year. He also gives statistics from the business meetings regarding baptisms, membership, youth and serving.

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Corinthians – P4

Jeff leads us into 1 Corinthians 4 this Sunday and shows us the stark contrasts between the kingdom of self and the Kingdom of God. He highlights the specific sin of spiritual arrogance and calls us to be people who live for God’s glory by being humble servants who love and accept those who are different than us.

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Corinthians – P3

Dustin continues our series in 1 Corinthians by showing the contrast between human wisdom and spiritual wisdom. He specifically talks about how true spiritual maturity is imparted by the Holy Spirit as we learn to center our wisdom in the revelation of Christ.

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