Latest Sermon

Lessons From David | Week 7

Chase Lynch continues our sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 2 Samuel 9.


Stories of Jesus | Week 8 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood finishes out our Stories of Jesus series by taking us through the parable of the Vineyard Owner in Luke 20:9–19.

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Stories of Jesus | Week 7 (Midland)

Chase Gilbert continues our Stories of Jesus series by taking us through the Parable of The Pharisee & The Tax Collector found in Luke 18:8-14.

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Stories of Jesus | Week 6 (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our Stories of Jesus series with the Parable of the Persistent Widow found in Luke 18:1-8.

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Stories of Jesus | Week 5 (Midland)

Joe Russo continues our Stories of Jesus series by taking us through the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus in Luke 16:19-31.

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Stories of Jesus | Week 4 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood continues our Stories of Jesus series by unpacking the Parable of the Dishonest Manager in Luke 16:1-13

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Stories of Jesus | Week 3 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our Stories of Jesus series by taking us through the Parable of lost coin, sheep, and son found in Luke 15.

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Stories of Jesus | Week 2 (Midland)

Eric Boyt continues our Stories of Jesus series by taking a look at the parable of the Rich Young Ruler in Luke 12.

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Stories of Jesus | Week 1 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood begins our new series by looking at the Parables of Jesus in Luke’s Gospel. Josh explains why Jesus used parables and challenges us to be the sort of people who are humble and receptive to God’s word.

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