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1 John | Week 8

Joe continues our “1 John” series, exploring the profound and transformative nature of God’s love, contrasting it with human perceptions, and emphasizes that true love, as defined by Scripture, is selfless, sacrificial, and only possible through divine intervention.


Flourishing | Part 14: Two Roads and One Decision

Dustin Pearce steps up to conclude our series in the Sermon on the Mount. He walks us through Jesus’ closing words and shows us how the flourishing life is found in the narrow, yet rewarding path of faithfulness.

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Flourishing | Part 13 : Relationships

Dustin continues the Flourishing series by speaking about relationships and how God uses them to show us the flourishing life.

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Flourishing | Part 12: Anxiety

Josh Gatewood steps up this week to continue our series in the Sermon on the Mount. He walks us through Jesus’ counsel regarding anxiety and shows us how it is the symptom of a deeper issue. Along the way he helps us see how to deal with our anxiety by resting in God’s love and living for God’s glory.

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Flourishing | Part 11: A Generous Heart

Eric Boyt steps up this week to continue our series in the Sermon on the Mount. He walks us through Jesus’ commands about how we should give and calls us to trust God with our resources. He concludes with some practical steps we can take to become more generous and flourish as people who are rich in good works.

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Flourishing | Part 10: Fasting

Josh Gatewood continues our Flourishing series by unpacking the often-misunderstood subject of fasting. He shows us how fasting isn’t merely a matter of removal, but also of replacement. He concludes by giving us some practical considerations for how fasting can look in our lives.

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Flourishing | Part 9: Prayer

Larry Gilbert steps up this week to introduce our 42 day prayer initiative called More to Come. He gives us a brief look at Stonegate’s history and DNA of prayer and then shows us some staggering numbers about the Permian Basin today. He concludes by showing us how Jesus taught us to pray in Matthew 6:5-13 and challenges us to personally engage in the next 42 days of prayer.

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Flourishing | Part 8: Relationships that Flourish

Jay Mayo steps up this week to continue our Flourishing series. He shows us how healthy relationships require honesty, even confrontation, but most of all they require us to be honest with ourselves. Throughout the message, Jay provides some very practical wisdom for how we can cultivate relationships that truly Flourish as God intends.

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Flourishing | Part 7 : Marriage and Divorce Pt. 2

Joe Russo is back this week to discuss the realities of brokenness and divorce in marriage. He talks about why divorce happens and explains that while God hates divorce, He doesn’t hate divorced people. To the contrary, God is ready and willing to heal, restore, and transform any couple that will surrender their marriage to Him.

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Flourishing | Part 6 : Marriage and Divorce Pt. 1

Joe Russo steps up this week to tackle the complex subject of Marriage and Divorce. He shows us God’s heart for marriage, how we should think about marriage in a broken world, and concluded with some practical instruction for how we can cultivate and protect our marriages.

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Flourishing: Part 5 : Overcoming Sin and Temptation

Jay Mayo steps up this week to continue our series in the Sermon on the Mount. He explains how the flourishing life is not based on external, religious behavior, but on inside-out transformation.

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