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Lessons From David | Week 7

Chase Lynch continues our sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 2 Samuel 9.


Galatians | Week 13 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood finishes our Galatians series with the end of Chapter 6.

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Galatians | Week 12 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our Galatians series with the first section of chapter 6, where Paul challenges those who walk by the Spirit to care for others well.

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Galatians | Week 11 (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our Galatians series with Paul’s unpacking of the works of the flesh vs the fruit of the Spirit.

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Galatians | Week 10 (Midland)

Chase Gilbert continues our Galatians series with the beginning of Chapter 5, where Paul dives deeper into freedom in Christ.

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Galatians | Week 9 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our Galatians series in Chapter 4 where Paul challenges the Galatians to relate to God through freedom in Christ rather than through an obligation to the law.

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Galatians | Week 8 (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our Galatians series by showing us what it means to be adopted into the Family of God.

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Galatians | Week 7 (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our Galatians series as we celebrate Baptism & Communion.

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Galatians | Week 6 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our Galatians series in Chapter 3, where Paul presses into the Law and the Gospel.

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Galatians | Week 5 (Midland)

Joe Russo takes us through the first part of Galatians 3, where Paul uses the Children of Abraham as an example of faith.

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Galatians | Week 4 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our Galatians series in the second half of Chapter 2, where Paul explains freedom from the Law.

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