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1 John | Week 8

Joe continues our “1 John” series, exploring the profound and transformative nature of God’s love, contrasting it with human perceptions, and emphasizes that true love, as defined by Scripture, is selfless, sacrificial, and only possible through divine intervention.


Fear vs. Faith

Special guest Jeremy Stalnecker from the Mighty Oaks Foundation shares a message about how to wrestle against fear in our lives. He shows us how fear is almost always rooted in the need to be in control and challenges us to remember what God has given us to face our fears and move forward in faith.

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Everyday People | Part 7: The Roman Centurion (Midland)

Jay Mayo wraps up our Everyday People series by looking at the amazing faith of the Roman Centurion in Luke 7. Throughout this message, Jay shows us how amazing faith doesn’t always look like what we naturally think it should. In light of what Jesus says about the Centurions faith, Jay invites us to consider trusting Jesus—even when we are in the middle of our doubts.

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Everyday People | Part 6: Barnabas (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our Everyday People series by looking at the life of Barnabas. He shows us how vital encouragement is for the life of everyday believers and makes the important distinction between the giving of courage and the giving of compliments. He walks us through key moments in Barnabas’ life where courage was needed and then calls us to consider following in the footsteps of Barnabas by becoming people of encouragement.

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Everyday People | Part 5: Esther (Midland)

Joe Russo steps up this week to continue our sermon series on Everyday People by looking at Esther. Joe walks us through Esther’s story, showing us how God was at work to arrange situations in Esther’s life to bring about His purposes for her, His people, and His story of salvation.

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Everyday People | Part 4: Caleb (Midland)

Josh Gatewood continues our series by looking at the story of Caleb in the Old Testament. He shows us how Caleb’s life raises some important questions for us to answer if we want to be the people God has called us to be. He also shares with the body an important announcement about the Mighty Oaks Foundation coming to Stonegate on October 26.

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Everyday People | Part 3: Timothy (Midland)

Dustin Pearce steps up this week to continue our series called Everyday People. He takes us to the life of Timothy, a young man who God used to do amazing things—even though he never wrote Scripture or has any miracles attributed to his name. Dustin shows us how Timothy’s life gives us a picture of generational influence and calls us to consider how God can use us in similar ways.

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Everyday People | Part 2: Lydia and the Philippian Jailor (Midland)

Joe Russo continues our series about Everyday People by taking us to Acts 16. He shows us some people who encountered the power of Jesus and whose stories were transformed as a result. He concludes by showing us how God is always at work to rescue everyday people just like us and then invites us to surrender to God’s greater story for our lives.

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Everyday People | Part 1: The Woman at the Well (Midland)

Josh Gatewood introduces our new series called Everyday People. He addresses some of the unbelief we often struggle with as believers and shows us how Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well can encourage us to stay faithful—even when everything seems hopeless.

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