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Lessons From David | Week 7

Chase Lynch continues our sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 2 Samuel 9.


Sent Part 7

Patrick Payton finishes the series on Christians being sent on God’s mission for the whole world to hear the Gospel. This week Patrick reviews the growth of the early church and how we can learn to evangelize from their successes.

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Sent Part 6

Patrick Payton continues the series on Christians being sent on God’s mission for the Gospel to go to all groups of people. This week in Acts 11 and 13, Patrick talks through how important each and every person is so essential for God’s plan due to the fact that every individual has gifting and purpose.

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Sent Part 5

Jay Mayo continues the series on Christians being sent on God’s mission for the Gospel to go to all of the world. This week, Jay brings to light scripture that shows God truly desires for every group of people to believe in the Gospel, but there are two major issues in Acts 10 that prevent […]

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Sent Part 4

Patrick Payton continues the series in Acts about Christians in the early church being sent on mission and what that has to do with us today.

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Sent Part 3

Patrick Payton continues this series in Acts on being sent on God’s mission to bring the Gospel to the world because Jesus transforms us and we wish to see that transformation in others.

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Sent Part 2

Scott Hall continues this series in Acts on how all Christians are sent – this week Scott looks at how every individual has a specific purpose that God has created in order to bring the Gospel to the world.

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Sent Part 1

Scott Hall begins a series on the early church in Acts and how we are sent for the Gospel just as the members of the church were 2,000 years ago.

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