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1 John | Week 8

Joe continues our “1 John” series, exploring the profound and transformative nature of God’s love, contrasting it with human perceptions, and emphasizes that true love, as defined by Scripture, is selfless, sacrificial, and only possible through divine intervention.


The Psalms | Psalm 118 (Celebration Sunday)

In this final sermon in the Psalms, Jay Mayo leads us through Psalm 118. He shows us how important it is to choose joy in the midst of trying circumstances and explains how God has given us the resources in Christ to do that.

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The Psalms | Psalm 23

Eric Clark continues our series in the Psalms by giving a powerful sermon on a familiar Psalm: Psalm 23. Eric challenges us to consider who our shepherd really is during this season of so many voices. He calls us to starve what is familiar and feed revival in our hearts by honestly considering what it means to follow Jesus as our Chief Shepherd.

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The Psalms | Psalm 51

Josh Gatewood continues our series in the Psalms by taking us to Psalm 51. In this Psalm we see David in a place of desperation, crying out to God for repentance and renewal in light of his recent fall into sin. Josh shows us how David’s personal sin and prayer of repentance outlines a roadmap for restoration we can all follow—no matter what we’ve done or what we’re going through.

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The Psalms | Psalm 40

Neil Rogers shares a message from Psalm 40, a beautiful Psalm that  illustrates the salvation story we all have with Jesus. Neil encourages us to remember this story, rejoice in this story, and then boldly share it with others. He challenges some of the fears we have to sharing our faith and encourages us to identify one person we can share our story with.

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The Psalms | Psalm 13 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our series in the Psalms by teaching from Psalm 13. He shows us the importance of being honest with God while holding on to the truths God has revealed to us in His Word. He challenges the notion that honesty is the enemy of reverence and encourages us to see that honesty with God is actually the pathway to relationship.

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The Psalms | Psalm 37

In a special Father’s Day message, Joe Russo teaches from Psalm 37 about the wisdom of God’s Word. Through this Psalm, Joe shows Fathers how to think about their struggles, their relationships, and the blessings God has for those who will walk His ways throughout their lifetime.

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The Psalms | Psalm 19

Josh Gatewood continues our summer series in the Psalms by taking us to Psalm 19. Josh unpacks some of the historical evidence for the Bible’s reliability and then challenges us to consider whether the Bible is the ultimate authority in our lives. He show us how if we want to experience deep renewal, then we must become people who commit our lives to learning from Jesus in His Word and who starve the apathy that can be so toxic to our souls.

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The Psalms | Psalm 1

Dustin Pearce introduces our new series in the Psalms. He takes us to Psalm 1 and shows us how our thirst for happiness is satisfied by cultivating a relationship with God that is rooted in the Scriptures. It is only when we develop a lifestyle of feeding on God’s Word that we can bear spiritual fruit in the various seasons of life we go through.

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