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Lessons From David | Week 7

Chase Lynch continues our sermon series, Lessons from David, looking at 2 Samuel 9.


Knowing God | Week 6 (Midland)

Eric Clark continues our Knowing God series.

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Knowing God | Week 5 (Midland)

Joe Russo continues our series by taking a look at the story and qualities of the Shunammite Woman found in 2 Kings 4.

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Knowing God | Week 4 (Midland)

Jay Mayo continues our series by showing us how we can know God by resting in His restorative presence.

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Knowing God | Week 3 (Midland)

Craig King continues our series with Psalm 95, showing how we can know God through the act of worship.

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Knowing God | Week 2 (Midland)

Josh Gatewood continues our series by unpacking how the Bible is the primary pathway for us to know and be transformed by God.

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Knowing God | Week 1 (Midland)

Jay Mayo kicks off our new series, Knowing God.

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